Back to God Ministries International
www.backtogod.netSince Back to God Ministries began outreach in 1969, God has continued to bless us with resources to bring the Gospel to this vast island nation, aplace with a large Muslim influence. Our team works with the Indonesian Christian Church in America. These partnership help us more effectively reach people in remote regions. read more...

Words of Hope
http://woh.orgIndonesia has over 6000 inhabited island, many of which are home to unique people groups who have their own history, architecture, and language. The number of languages spoken in indonesia exceeds 700. According to Operation World, Sumatra, where Batak Toba is spoken, is the largest unevangelized island on earth. Most of the people living in Sumatra are staunchly Muslim. read more...

Faith Alive
http://www.faithaliveresources.netThe Mission of Faith Alive Christian Resources is to provide resources that call people to follow Jesus Christ by helping people to understand, experiance, and express the good news of God's kingdom that transforms live and communities worldwide read more...